Money Makes Money

Ways To Earn Extra Income From Home

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Getting Started

In general, there are only two types of home business which are Legitimate Or Scam. In any Legitimate business either online or offline, most of all are hardly earn 10% revenue from what they have invested unless it's Scam.

I just want to share some of facts, methods or so called strategies I know about earning extra income from home.

So far I believe, there is no chance to get rich by doing home business unless you have high capital or Scam or Gamble which are risky.

Let's not talk about Scam first, I will show you how to earn money with no risk which mean you don't need any cents to invest to start your home income source.

As I mentioned above, what I'm going to show you is just for earning extra income (It may become your main income source or may not be) and is not get rich scheme.

I cannot predict exactly how much you will earn by following the instruction from my blog. Your earnings are depend on how much effort you put on, how much money you spend and how much knowledge you have on respective field.

Interested of working at home during your spare time while you are surfing net?
Some of what I doing may not costs anything to start, but some does.

I ain't selling anything nor pushing you to be in. If interesting on this, go to General Preparation article. Read, understand and start earning.

If you have better idea or enhancing the existing idea, please leave comment and share with all.

General Money Making Online:

  • E-Commerce
  • Investing on UnitTrusts, Fixed Interests, HYIP.
  • Trading Currency Pair, Stocks Indices
  • Selling/ Promoting Digital Products
  • Work as Freelance From Home
  • From Your Website/Blog
  • Through Affiliates Programs
  • Write Articles, Publish reviews
  • Read E-Mails, Advertisements
  • Surf The Web, Search The Web
  • and many more....


You have to make your decision for what kind of job or business is suit for you. If you are trying a little of each will end you up without even seeing a penny and getting bored.

And let's make it clear before you start, you shall keep in mind the fact that your level of success in attaining the results claimed in my blog depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills.

Since these factors differ according to individuals, I cannot guarantee your success or income and I'm not responsible for any of your actions. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to me or anybody else.

Let's simple divide 3 kinds

  1. Start without Any Cash
  2. Start with Some Cash
  3. Skills required jobs

1.1 Trying to earn money via online without risking any cent is kinda hard, however, there are some things we can do.
1.2 Common Methods are:

  • Blogging (Publish Ads [Google Adsense], Get Paid To Write Review for Products, Etc)
  • Affiliating (Referring, Promoting (eg. Refer to buy items, or sign up on client sites)
  • Doing Surveys (Get Paid to do surveys online)
  • Reading emails (Get paid to read the ads email)
  • Surfing Net (Get paid to surf ads, auto surf or manual surf)
1.3 Above way of money making need no skills required and no costs at all. You can earn more by top up with some cash. 1.4 Those are the just general information and to understand more read explanation guide in the each categories.
2.1 Investing some money to starting your home business is good idea. Remember that do not spend the money if you cant afford to lose that amount.
2.2 Just refer to the above methods, you can boosts up the potentials earnings to maximum, Example you placed Google adsense on your blog or website and you need impression and clicks through the ads, you can get visits traffic, unique visitors to you site, so the more visitor or visits, the more than of clicking on your ads. And also you can promote your affiliate links to hundred thousands of people, you chance of getting customer is higher. This is just example. To promote site is not easy depending on what kind of blog or site.

Before you start your online money making journey, I advise to prepare simple things below
  • Open 2 Gmail Accounts. [Prevent Accumulating Spam Mails in your actual email. Use Different passwords and one for registering on others site, one for signing up Payment processor ]
  • Get A note book, either way you can use MS office to note or Iwork. [To Track your Accounts,Password, etc... A piece of paper won't help]
  • Open Online Payment Processors so called E-wallet under Online Payments Processor Tab [You don't need to used your credit cards, received payments, etc and it's free and essential.]
  • Browse the side bar how you can earn money online and start earning.

Good Luck

Best Regards

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